How to Place an Order on Fez Delivery App

Onaopemipo Sorunke
February 19, 2025
2 mins read

Welcome to the ultimate guide for using the Fez Delivery App! Whether you're sending a package or need to ship an item, we'll walk you through the process to ensure a seamless experience. 

Step 1: Initiate Your Order

  • Begin by opening the Fez Delivery App.
  • Navigate to the 'Send a Package' option. This is where your delivery journey starts.

Step 2: Choose the Recipient

  • Select if you are sending the package for yourself or someone else.
  • If for yourself, proceed with the details. 
  • If for someone else, ensure you have their details handy.

Step 3: Detail Your Shipment

  • Select the type of request, either Local (Within Nigeria), Send to Nigeria (From UK, US, China to Nigeria), or Send from Nigeria (From Nigeria to 200 cities globally)
  • Choose your pickup date based on your schedule.
  • Input the weight of your package in kilograms (KG). 
  • Select your delivery mode - either by bus or bike, depending on the package's size.
  • Enter the pickup location and address where the courier will collect your package.
  • Specify the drop-off location and address where the package needs to be delivered.

Step 4: Recipient Information

  • Click 'Continue' to proceed.
  •  Fill in the recipient's details including:
  •  Name
  •  Phone Number
  •  Email
  • Specify the quantity of items being sent.
  • Describe the items for clarity and safety.
  • Declare the value of the item in Naira.
  • Add any additional information that might be relevant for the delivery.

 Step 5: Review and Confirm

  • After entering all details, click 'Continue' to review your order.
  • Check the order summary for accuracy:
  • Confirm all addresses are correct.
  •  Check the delivery mode.
  •  Verify the item description and value.
  • Apply any referral code if discounts or special offers are available.

Step 6: Payment

  • Proceed to make payment and ensure your payment method is ready.


Congratulations, you've successfully placed your order with Fez Delivery! Your package is now in good hands, ready for its journey across Nigeria or beyond. Remember, our customer support is always available to you. For any issues or further assistance contact or call 02017003077. 

Stay updated with our services and get more tutorials by following us on social media at @fezdeliveryco.